7 Ways to Encourage Millennial Participation in Healthcare

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1. Implement Updated Technology

Patient Payments

Millennials expect to make payments from the convenience of their smartphone or computer at any time or place. Although many healthcare systems are beginning to accept payments online, additional technology- advanced options simplify the entire payment process and especially appeal to the millennial age group. Some of these options include:

  • Patient Portals
  • QR Code Scans
  • Snap to Pay and Text to Pay
  • Credit Card on File
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During the 2020 COVID-19 crisis, telemedicine appointments experienced a serious boom. Throughout the first six months of 2020, telehealth adoption increased by nearly 50% in primary care visits.

2. Price Transparency

Millennials are especially skeptical of scheduling healthcare visits because of price uncertainty. In fact, 54% of Millennial patients have put off medical treatment of some sort due to the fear of high costs.

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3.Patient Portal Access

Patient portals offer a variety of useful benefits to patients throughout their healthcare journey. Millennials especially appreciate the ability to take control of their care on their time by scheduling appointments online, viewing medical records, making payments, and more. Providing this tool simplifies many aspects of a typically complicated healthcare system, helping to encourage millennial patients to act on their medical needs.

4. Offer the Best Sensitive PHI Protection

When outsourcing services like medical billing and payment collections, it is essential to partner with a HITRUST Certified vendor. This certification ensures that sensitive patient information will stay protected at the highest industry standard. As data breaches and cybersecurity concerns are increasing, millennials are becoming more selective with who they trust their personal information with. In fact, healthcare suffered 2–3 times more cyberattacks in 2019 than the average amount for other industries, while 70% of millennials believe online privacy will be further compromised in the coming years.

5. Maintain and Update Your Practice’s Website

Before making nearly any decision, Millennials typically turn to the internet to research their options. Usually, the first point of contact with your practice will be the website. A clear, user-friendly website communicates information about your practice and informative ways to get in contact. If the website is outdated, difficult to navigate, or full of broken links, a Millennial may abandon your site in search of another with a better user experience.

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6. Ask for Feedback

According to a survey, 54% of Millennials read reviews about medical practices before committing to an appointment. They are also twice as likely to trust referrals from friends or social media reviews than those in other age demographics. Encouraging patients to leave feedback about their great experience with your health system helps convince others to schedule with your practice.

7. Provide Relevant Information

Outside of maintaining an easy-to-use website, providing great healthcare information is an easy way to impress the Millennial audience. Generally, about half of the Millennial demographic will research their symptoms prior to scheduling an appointment. If your practice is able to provide relevant and informative information through case studies, blogs, or other information content, you will build trust with the potential patient. A Millennial is much more likely to schedule with a trust-worthy practice rather than one with no credibility.

Final Thoughts

Although the millennials have become the largest demographic in America, only 51% have visited a primary care doctor in the last year, compared to 74% of non-millennials. Healthcare systems need to begin targeting millennial patients in order to expand their clientele and increase revenues.

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