
Showing posts from March, 2021

When to Use Paper and Digital Formats for Patient Communications

  It’s the end of the month once again, which means it’s time for your office to distribute bills to y o ur patients. You know your younger clients probably prefer patient communications in the form of an  eStatement  with  digital payment options . But you also work very closely with the assisted living facility in your neighborhood — are your 70-year-old patients going to be able to understand a digital statement? And if so, are they going to know how to pay for their visit with something other than a check? And which option will be easier for your patients who speak limited English? When it comes to paper vs. digital patient communications, which is better? To summarize, it still depends. Even in the 21st century, when it seems as though everything is digitized, there are many circumstances in which paper statements are a great choice. While emails and online patient portals are a more instantaneous form of patient communications, paper documents are still easier ...

7 Digital Patient Payment Collection Strategies for 2025

The escalating cost of healthcare has created a challenging landscape for both patients and providers. As consumers opt for higher deductibles to offset lower monthly premiums, they are increasingly burdened by out-of-pocket medical expenses. This trend, coupled with rising healthcare costs, has resulted in a significant strain on patient payment collections. Studies indicate that deductibles for single workers have surged by 66% over the past five years, while out-of-pocket costs have risen by  5.2%  in 2023 alone. The financial strain on patients has translated into a growing challenge for healthcare providers in collecting unpaid bills. Research suggests that a substantial 62% of healthcare providers’ administrative costs are dedicated to billing and insurance-related activities. To ensure financial viability and avoid potentially devastating losses, providers must prioritize digital patient payment strategies to enhance collection rates. This blog post will explore effecti...