How Text-to-Pay Services Can Improve Your Revenue Cycle
The prevalence of smartphones around the globe has burgeoned in the past decade, and we’ve since developed quite the addiction to match. In September 2019, just over 260 million Americans owned smartphones. On average, Americans check their phone about 96 times per day (that’s once every ten minutes). Affordability, necessity for daily life, and improvements in high-speed internet access have made iPhones and Androids something we can’t function without. Unlike shag carpets, pajama jeans, and personal device assistants, smartphones aren’t at risk of falling out of fashion next season. Those with m obile phones can do more with their device than ever before, and the wisest medical providers have started to catch on. By incorporating a text-to-pay function into their billing strategy, these medical providers are reaching consumers where they already spend most of their time and positioning themselves as leaders in the competition for the best consumer experience. ...