The Healthcare Expense Hack Every Patient Should Know
There’s no question that Americans from all walks of life are feeling the pinch when it comes to healthcare expenses. Every Open Enrollment period has become a time to agonize over how much we can afford and how much risks we can tolerate. (And the rest of the year, crossing our fingers that everyone stays safe and healthy.) As the cost of health insurance rises, more people are opting for high-deductible plans, and some even got priced out of the market altogether. In addition, if you fail to check whether a hospital or provider is in-network or if a procedure is covered by insurance, you could get a sticker shock when the medical bill arrives. It’s not uncommon to hear about families getting into financial troubles or even having to file for bankruptcy because of their healthcare expenses. You might have heard stories of how hospitals are charging unreasonable fees for anything from cotton balls to cancer drugs. What can you do when you receive a bill ...